~The reasons to love New York ~
As I written on the top of this blog, I am a Japanese who are trying to find the way to live in New York. I don't know how to stand by my own with my skill. Not a good singer. Not a good IT person. Not a good fashion designer.
But, there is something calling from my heart to want my life in NY.
The life in Japan makes me feel something missing.
Some may say Just go, but some may not say so. A lot of people know that the life in NY is not easy. I want a stable job to live in NY.
I work for a manufacture in Kobe, Japan as a technical translator, mainly from Japanese to English. I like my job. But I want more artistic job.
If YOU, New Yorker, who want to do something artistic want a translator of Japanese, Please Contact ME.
Anything is OK, like a Kanji translation if you want a tatoo of Kanji Caractor.
I am writing English in this blog without taking care of grammer.
If you feel uncomfortable with my English (unnatural, not good etc.), please let me know.
Your comment is very appreciated because I can get more experience of English.
I love New York.